In support of Cipperley Price for county supervisor – Evans McWilliam

Linn is a candidate in Greene County for county supervisor. As a neighbor and friend I know her strong, caring values as a mother, military veteran, wife, veterinary technician, garderner and land steward, and friend of humans and animals. These values I see reflected in her husband, three children, her animals and land, her work experiences and her community work.

Linn would share these deep values at the county level by listening, learning, and examining the ideas and interests in roads, drainage, taxes, agriculural practices, cooperation and assistance to towns and education and children in our county.

We often hear the statement ” children are our future”, and this is true; hence the future is in the hands of our leaders, and especially our local leaders. We need a leader who feels at the ground level, how adult issues are studied, analyzed, and answers found.

I’ll be voting for Linn Cipperley Price for county supervisor Greene County. Please join me.

Evans McWilliam, Paton

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